5.11 Tactical:
Working hard to deliver the best
solutions for the NT Police
Arrival in the Top End is always an exciting time
for me. Last month I made my third trip to the
Northern Territory, and each time I feel more at
home. As the Managing Director for 5.11 Australia
I have been lucky enough to travel to most of the
regions of this vast continent , working with police
and fire agencies, and yours is without a doubt one
of my favourites to visit.
As soon as we arrived at Darwin International Airport
we saw two NT Police Officers. I can say with truth and
pride that the police officers of the Northern Territory
are one of the most professionally dressed departments
I have encountered.
NT Police Officers: a commanding presence
Of course I am swayed by my passion and connection
to the 5.11 Brand but there is something more. I believe
that the general public’s first impression of a police
officer is critical in how an encounter will play out. The
uniforms being worn by the NT Police creates an air
of command presence and I am proud that it a 5.11
Uniform that does that for H??X?K?????\?H\??\???]H??\???\??]?H?X?B?\?H??Y\?]?[????[Y[???X?\?[??[[?H]?????][??H[H?Y[?H]?\?H?[?\??YY?[??H]?K?LHX?X?[\?H??[Z]Y?[[???XZ?H[?\?????Y?\?X\?Y\?[?[?H??Y??X?K??H\?H???[?????\???Z[??H\??\??]H??\??\??]?B??X?H??X[?HYX\?????YK?H???]XX?[YHB??H[??H?[?H?[?Y[Z?HH[H??Z[???X???^H????[?]?[????[Y[??H?Y??Y?[[?H[??\?HXX??[?HXZ[?Z[??HXX?H?[??YK??[?????][??YH?HH\??[?\?X[K???[?\??B?X[?Y?[??\?X??