The Association welcomes our
newest members
Over recent weeks 56 recruits have graduated along with 5 ACPOs.
Squad 118's Hugh Barclay
ACPO Leanna Graetz
Squad 120's Rowan Benson
Squad 118's Greg Cleary
Graduating Squad 118
At the end of the recruits 30 weeks training course the
NTPA presents the Glen Huitson Medal to members of the
graduating squad. The medal is presented for the most
consistent application in all areas of training throughout
the Recruit Training Course. Candidates are judged on:
Sacrifice and hard work
Consistency of performance
Consistency of effort and attitude
Leadership and community service
The Most Dedicated Trophy is presented to the
member of the ACPO squad at the end of their 12
week course for the most consistent application in
all areas of the Aboriginal Community Police Officer
Recruit Training Course.
The recipients of both awards are nominated by their
Patrol Sergeants based on their performance throughout
the course. This is then submitted to Commander,
Professional Development Command, for approval of
the final decision.
The recipients of the Glen Huitson Medal for Squad
118 are Hugh Barclay and Greg Cleary. Rowan Benson
received the award for Squad 120. The ACPO Most
Dedicated Trophy was awarded to Leanna Graetz.
Congratulations on the recipients and all
of their squad mates. The NTPA wishes
them a long and successful career.