NT Police Union Sample (Sept. 2013) | Page 18

Union Bashing in Queensland New industrial relations legislation introduced by Queensland’s Newman government is far more draconian than anything in the state’s history, including the days of Joh Bjelke-Petersen. Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers explained to delegates at the Annual Conference what life is like for unionists in the sunshine state today. It is not a good news story. The first thing Campbell Newman did on being elected was cancel the Labour Day holiday. This was just setting the scene for an all out attack on unions. It’s about union busting. “The government is actually discouraging people to join their union,” says Ian Leavers. The new IR legislation has stopped unions from collecting their subs through payroll deductions. While sworn members can still have their subs deducted, unsworn members cannot. It is only a matter of time before the change will affect sworn members as well. This is a huge financial impost on any organisation, organising direct debit for all of the members. The right of entry to workplaces is also under threat. This would mean that police union officials would not be able to go into police stations to see their members. “We take it for granted that we can get into police stations to see our members, but that could change under the new legislation,” says Ian. “It’s all about embarrassment. It will discourage people from getting involved.” Probably most disturbing is the requirement to declare any political expenditure over $10,000. Before the money can be spent a ballot of all members must be held and 50 per cent of members must agree to the expenditure. “This will mean there’s no element of surprise. And $10,000 wouldn’t even cover the cost of a half page newspaper ad. It is all about silencing people.” The new legislation doesn’t apply to employer representative bodies, just unions. It is a clear attack on unions. “What this has done has seen us get closer with other unions. We’re forming alliances with organisations we never have in the past like the CFMEU and BLF. Who would have thought we’d be supporting one another. It’s a positive thing to be involved with the other unions.” Vince Kelly told delegates that the only ones who look after the interests of working police officers are police unions and associations. “Commissioners will dump you. The minister will dump you. The government will dump you. It is important to work as a collective. The only way to make any progress at all is to look after each other.” Ron says community safety is all about operational police. There are no gimmicks to make a society safe. It is fundamental. Expenditure must also be publicly recorded. This includes every cab voucher and company credit card as well as personal credit cards where money is reimbursed by the union. This legislation is retrospective so all financial interests from July 1 last year must now be on a public website, open to all. The ETU has set up a new website to comply with the regulations – www. opposethesefascistlaws.com. NORTHERN TERRITORY POLICE NEWS Ron DeLord is recognised as one of the leading police union contract negotiators in Texas and an expert on police unions in US, Canada and Australia. “What makes your country great is that you are safe,” said Ron, praising Australia. “You have the best policing model in the world. I’ve been to 60 countries around the world and you are doing it right. You have quality policing. If you’re poor in America and not in a rich city, the police service is limited. It’s not true here. Poor or rich gets the same trained officer and the same resources. That is not true in the US.” “Politicians have to do this but they are elected by the public,” says Ian. “We are elected by our membership. 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