Artist Studio
Artist Studio
Age : 21 and up Min / Max : 6 / 8 Location : Slotnick Center / NSSRA , Highland Park
Attention artists ! Join us for a program filled with creativity , self-expression , and art-making . Each week , artists will learn different techniques while receiving individualized instruction . During the program session , participants will create a portfolio of art pieces , experimenting with various mediums , styles , and art skills .
Goals :
s Learn basic art techniques . s Improve attention and focus with step-by-step instructions . s
Increase social engagement with peers through a common interest in art making .
s Develop self-expression through a visual medium .
Time : 6:00 - 7:15 pm Day : Wednesday Dates : June 19 - July 31 Program Code / Fee : 344006-01 / $ 119
38 nssra . org / programs | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Adult Programs