Adaptive Sports Center (Colorado)
Registration Deadline: Friday, December 6
NSSRA is heading back to the mountains for another trip of a lifetime to Adaptive Sports Center (ASC) in Crested Butte, Colorado! ASC, founded in 1987,
started with a small, but passionate group of individuals that began offering ski instruction and equipment to participants with disabilities. ASC is now a
therapeutic recreation organization that operates year-round with activities ranging from mountain biking and skiing to ice climbing and kayaking.
Together, ASC and NSSRA offer participants a ski/snowboarding trip in the mountains of beautiful Crested Butte, Colorado. No prior experience with skiing or
snowboarding is necessary; ASC staff will pair up with our group to provide adaptations and individualized lessons. Pack your warm winter clothes and join
us for an exhilarating adventure! Please bring spending money if you would like to buy snacks or souvenirs. Fee includes airfare, bus shuttles,
meals, accommodations and all associated skiing/snowboarding costs.
Eligibility: Participants must be able to meet all general trip expectations. Participants are expected to carry out all activities of daily living independently.
Minimal staff guidance and prompting is provided to remind participants of activities of daily living. Participants must be independent for periods of time
where staff supervision and assistance is not available, including overnight sleeping, down time, personal care and hygiene. This trip includes outdoor
activities such as skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing and will require significant walking for activities in the winter weather. It is not recommended that
you register if you tire easily when walking or if you do not have the desire to ski or snowboard for the majority of each day. New participants must attend
a short overnight trip prior to Friday, December 6 for NSSRA staff to assess readiness for this trip.
Housing: The group will be staying at Adaptive Sports Center's Gothic Lodge, which has four participant rooms, each with several single twin beds.
Participants will share rooms with peers of the same gender. Staff will not be present in any rooms overnight, but will be present in the building. To arrange
for a single room, please contact Katie James, Recreation Specialist for Trips, to make arrangements, if available, by the registration deadline.
A trip packet will be sent one month prior to the trip. All registered participants and guardians must attend a trip information meeting to
sign required paperwork. With questions, please contact Katie James at (847) 509-9400 x6833 or [email protected].
Katie James Min/Max:
18 and up Program Code/Fee:
Adaptive Sports Center, Crested Butte, Colorado
Sunday, March 1 - Thursday, March 5
6 / 10
101001-61 / $600 Deposit
(Approximate fee will be $2,300 - $2,600)
Winter 2020 Program Guide • Celebrating 50 Years!