NSSRA Program Guides Winter 2019 | Page 25

Date Program Ages Page Goals: To develop independent living skills and gain new leisure skills through participation in overnight trips away from home. February 27 - March 3 March 9 - 10 August 12 - 16 August 16 - 23 Adaptive Sports Center (Colorado) Memories in Michigan Camp Duncan (Save the dates!) Camp Wigwam 18 and up 8 - 21 8 - 21 18 and up 27 28 26 28 General Trip Information for Overnight Trips Eligibility For all trips lasting longer than three days and two nights, participants must attend an NSSRA overnight trip prior to the registration deadline for the desired trip in order for our therapeutic recreation specialists to assess the individual’s readiness for the trip. If a participant has not attended an overnight trip with NSSRA and is interested in a trip lasting longer than three days and two nights, please contact Katie James, Recreation Specialist for Trips, at (847) 509-9400 x6833 or [email protected] to discuss eligibility. Assessments will be completed at the end of all trips to determine eligibility for future trips. All participants are expected to follow scheduled activities. Housing Participants will be sharing rooms, and possibly beds, with peers. If you want your own room or bed, you must contact Katie James, Recreation Specialist for Trips, at (847) 509-9400 x6833 or [email protected] by the designated registration deadline to make arrangements. An additional fee may apply for these arrangements if they are available. Refer to the specific trip information for more details regarding housing. For adult trips, NSSRA staff members may not be present in all rooms. Room assignments will be made at the staff’s discretion. Participants are expected to stay in their rooms and be respectful of their roommates. For complete policy information, please see pages 58 - 60 or visit our website at www.nssra.org. www.nssra.org 25