NSSRA Program Guides Spring 2018 | Page 42

Youth Programs Saturday Teen Line-Up Rolling Pins Bowling Club* Let’s go bowling! Come with us to be with friends and have the opportunity to bowl up to two games. Adaptive bowling equipment is available. Fee includes bowling and shoe rental. Note: This program is offered during Brunswick Zone’s cosmic bowling times when flashing lights and loud music may be involved. NSSRA will not be running programs on Saturday, March 31 in light of Passover and Easter. Please note that this program will begin one week late on Saturday, April 7. Goals: Increase gross motor coordination. Develop an understanding of bowling techniques including proper grip, approach and follow through. Improve ability to stay on task and take turns. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Marissa Wayne Date: 16 - 21 Min/Max: Brunswick Zone, Deerfield Program Code/Fee: 12:00 - 1:00 pm Saturdays, April 7 - May 19 6 / 12 288215-02 / $95 Teen Club Saturday’s here and it’s time to join your friends for some weekend fun! Each week, the group will enjoy playing games, sports and cooperative activities and crafts. Note: Lunch will be from 1:30 - 2:00 pm. Please bring a sack lunch. No microwave or refrigerator will be available. A light snack will be provided for any participant that does not bring a lunch. Don’t forget to sign up for Rolling Pins Bowling Club to extend your Saturday! If you are enrolled for both Teen Club and Rolling Pins Bowling Club, transportation will be provided from the bowling alley to the program site. NSSRA will not be running programs on Saturday, March 31 in light of Passover and Easter. Please note that this program will begin one week late on Saturday, April 7. Goals: Increase independence and self confidence through socialization with peers and staff. Develop increased attention to activities and ability to follow directions. Promote physical activity and knowledge of different leisure activities. Contact: Marissa Wayne Min/Max: 6 / 12 Age: 16 - 21 Program Code/Fee: 283216-01 / $216 Location: Glen Grove School, Glenview Transportation Code/Fee: 283216-51 / $39 Time: 1:30 - 4:00 pm Drop Off Date: Saturdays, April 7 - May 19 Times/Locations: 4:30 pm at NSSRA *These programs are part of a back-to-back program line-up. Sign up for just one or more than one to extend your day. Saturday Socializers* Let’s start the afternoon off right! We will have lunch with our friends, discuss current events and listen to some great music. Each week, we will find a new dessert, appetizer, or bread to make. At the end of the season, we will compile a recipe book of all the different foods we made throughout the season. The last part of our afternoon together will be spent hanging out and engaging in different leisure activities. Activities may include sports, playing board games, or making a craft. If the weather is appropriate, we may go outside so please dress according to the weather! Participants will also decide on various community outings that the group will attend throughout the season. Transportation will be provided from NSSRA Bowling or Gator Bowling to Saturday Socializers. Participants must bring their own lunch to this program. NSSRA will not be running programs on Saturday, March 31 in light of Passover and Easter. Please note that this program will begin one week late on Saturday, April 7. Goals: Explore different avenues of recreation interest. Create social networking opportunities among peers. Increase safety while working in a kitchen. Contact: Hailey Haas Date: Age: 18 and up Min/Max: Location: Willow Park Fieldhouse, Glenview Program Code/Fee: Time: 12:00 - 3:30 pm Saturdays, April 7 - May 19 6 / 8 284417-01 / $243 *This program is part of a back-to-back program line-up with Gator Bowling, listed on page 41. Sign up to extend your day! 42 Register online at register.nssra.org.