NSSRA Program Guides Spring 2018 | Page 20

Please see page 63 for NSSRA ’ s General Trip Information and Policies .


Tour Madison

Registration Deadline : Friday , February 2 Come join us as we tour the great city of Madison , Wisconsin ! We will explore wildlife at the Henry Vilas Zoo , which happens to be the # 1 rated attraction in Madison . You will have the chance to discover the Olbrich Botanic Garden and everything that beautiful Madison has to offer ! Come join us for an unforgettable weekend with friends ! Please bring extra money if you would like to buy souvenirs or snacks . Fee includes transportation , meals , accommodations and admission to all activities .
Please note that participants will be sharing rooms and possibly beds with peers . If you would like your own room or bed , please contact Katie James to make arrangements by the registration deadline . An additional fee may be charged for these arrangements . A trip waiver and an information packet will be sent out upon registration and should be returned no later than Friday , February 23 . Participants must be able to function in a group setting with assistance and be able to follow scheduled activities . For trip details , please contact Katie James , Recreation Specialist for Trips , at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6833 or kjames @ nssra . org .
Contact :
Katie James
Date :
Saturday , March 10 - Sunday , March 11
Age :
8 - 21
Min / Max :
6 / 10
Location :
Madison , WI
Program Code / Fee :
188100-61 / $ 450

Best of Louisville

Registration Deadline : Friday , March 9 Whether you enjoy the sound of live music downtown , artsy museums or a classic dinner at the ballpark , join us as we explore the best of what Louisville , Kentucky has to offer ! The group will enjoy a variety of activities including catching a baseball game , visiting the Louisville Zoo and taking a tour of the local sights . The group will decide the plan for each day , including where to eat ! You won ' t want to miss this experience in a new city ! Please bring extra money if you would like to buy souvenirs or snacks . Fee includes transportation , meals , accommodations and admission to all activities .
Please note that participants will be sharing rooms based on double occupancy . If you would like your own room , please contact Katie James to make arrangements by the registration deadline . An additional fee may be charged for these arrangements . A trip waiver and an information packet will be sent out upon registration and must be returned no later than Monday , April 9 . Participants must be able to perform daily living skills , follow scheduled activities and function at a 1:4 staff to participant ratio . This program may require participants to walk from place to place . It is not recommended that you register if you tire easily when walking . Fee includes transportation , meals , accommodation and a wide variety of activities . For trip details , please contact Katie James , Recreation Specialist for Trips , at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6833 or kjames @ nssra . org .
Contact :
Katie James
Date :
Wednesday , April 25 - Sunday , April 29
Age :
21 and up
Min / Max :
8 / 12
Location :
Louisville , KY
Program Code / Fee :
284100-61 / $ 600 Deposit ( Total fee is $ 1,305 )

Please see page 63 for NSSRA ’ s General Trip Information and Policies .


Register online at register . nssra . org .