Camp Sunburst
Registration Deadline : Friday , April 27 Camp Sunburst is designed for campers of all abilities , ages 5 - 21 years old , who are looking for an afternoon camp option . This camp is all about enjoying fun activities in the summer sun with your friends ! Campers will participate in art , sports , music and outdoor games all while socializing with their peers . This camp will be visiting the pool two days per week and will take a local field trip once a week .
Goals : To provide campers with a well-rounded summer experience . Our recreation activities will stress independence , motor development and an overall sense of well-being .
Open House Information regarding the open house will be communicated to campers and parents . The open house provides an opportunity to ask questions , get daily activity schedules and learn more about camp .
Transportation Transportation services for Camp Sunburst are available . See transportation times and schedule below to register .
Please contact Catherine Benson , Recreation Specialist for Camps , if your child requires specific accommodations ( i . e . picture schedules , adaptive equipment for activities , etc ) at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6816 or cbenson @ nssra . org .
Contact : |
Catherine Benson |
Time : |
12:00 - 3:00 pm |
Age : |
5 - 21 |
Min / Max : |
8 / 15 |
Location : |
Willow Park Fieldhouse , Glenview |
Session 1 Date : |
Monday , June 18 - Friday , June 22 ( 1 week ) |
Session 1 Code / Fee : |
38501-01 / $ 255 |
Session 1 Transportation Code / Fee : 383501-51 / $ 55 |
Session 2 Date : |
Monday , June 25 - Friday , July 6 ( 2 weeks , no program July 4 ) |
Session 2 Code / Fee : |
38501-02 / $ 459 |
Session 2 Transportation Code / Fee : 383501-52 / $ 99 |
Session 3 Date : |
Monday , July 9 - Friday , July 20 ( 2 weeks ) |
Session 3 Code / Fee : |
383501-03 / $ 510 |
Session 3 Transportation Code / Fee : 383501-53 / $ 110 |
Pick Up |
Drop Off |
11:00 am |
4:00 pm |
11:30 am |
3:30 pm |
Register online at register . nssra . org .