NSSRA Program Guides Spring 2018 | Page 16

2018 General Camp Information

At-A-Glance : Camps & Trips

Date Program Ages Page

Goal : To gain new leisure skills while improving independence , appropriateness in various settings and enhancing the camper ’ s quality of life .
June 11 - July 19
Lake Forest Rec Program
14 - 21
June 12 - July 13
Afternoon Escapades
5 - 13
Varies by Location
NSSED / NSSRA Summer Program
3 - 21
June 18 - July 20
Camp Sunburst
5 - 21
July 23 - August 10
Awesome Post Camp
5 - 21
GOAL : To develop independent living skills and gain new leisure skills through participation in overnight trips away from home .
March 10 - 11
Tour Madison
8 - 21
April 25 - 29
Best of Louisville
21 and up
August 13 - 17
Camp Duncan
8 - 21
August 18 - 25
Camp Wigwam
18 and up

2018 General Camp Information

Parent Information Parent letters will be mailed approximately three weeks to one month before the start of camp . The letter will include site location and calendar of events .
Financial Assistance and Payment Plans Financial assistance is open to NSSRA residents who complete an NSSRA Reduced Fee Request Form and submit a $ 75 deposit with their registration . To receive a Reduced Fee Request Form or to request a payment plan , please call NSSRA Registrar Caitlin Deptula at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6815 .
Communication & Safety Families are required to have a current Annual Information Form ( AIF ) and Seizure Information Form ( if applicable ) on file with NSSRA prior to participation in any camp or program . Please contact NSSRA to discuss specific accommodations for your camper . Communication Books will be used daily for each camper to help facilitate communication between families and staff . Communication books will be available at the Open House or sent home on the first day .
What to Wear and Bring to Camp Please send campers in comfortable clothes and gym shoes each day . On swim days , campers should bring a labeled swimsuit and towel . Campers should also bring a labeled backpack , change of clothes and sunscreen each day .
Lunch , Snacks and Drinks Parents are responsible for sending a labeled lunch and / or snack and drink each day . All items should be completely disposable . Campers should also bring a labeled water bottle on the first day to leave at the camp site .
Annual Information Form ( AIF ) To better serve you and your child ’ s needs , it is necessary for us to have a current AIF on file . This form contains medical and other information that NSSRA needs to know in case of an emergency . If we do not have your AIF on file , your child will not be allowed to participate .
Seizure Information Form ( SIF ) If a participant has a seizure disorder , a SIF must be completed and signed before he or she is allowed to register for any NSSRA programs . The SIF can be found on our website at www . nssra . org / forms . Complete each category and list any other information necessary for NSSRA to provide safe and enjoyable activities for the participant . Please update this form whenever there is a change in the information and submit it to NSSRA with the registration form . You will be asked to review and update this form on an annual basis .
Camp questions can be directed to Catherine Benson , Recreation Specialist for Camps , at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6816 or cbenson @ nssra . org .


Register online at register . nssra . org .