NSSRA Program Guides Fall 2018 | Page 40

Youth Programs SPICE Special People’s Ice Skating Experience (SPICE) is NSSRA’s longest running program. This program will offer participants a flexible ice skating experience. A skating coach will work with the group to develop and improve skating skills. Volunteer skating buddies will work alongside the skaters to increase social interaction and instruction. Goals: Improve motor skills. Increase basic knowledge of ice skating. Improve endurance and balance on ice. Increase social interaction among peers. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Marissa Wayne Date: 6 - 21 Min/Max: Northbrook Sports Center Program Code/Fee: 9:00 - 9:30 am Saturdays, September 22 - November 17 6 / 12 488213-01 / $111 SPICE Buddies NSSRA is looking for volunteers ages 12 - 21 ready to share in the fun and excitement of ice skating! As a SPICE Buddy, you will be paired with a participant with special needs to increase the social experience and assist with skating instruction. Space is limited so register early! While there is no fee for SPICE Buddies, you must register through NSSRA using the code below. SPICE Buddies will meet on Saturday, September 15 at the Northbrook Sports Center from 9:00 - 9:30 am for orientation. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Marissa Wayne Date: 12 - 21 Min/Max: Northbrook Sports Center Program Code/Fee: 9:00 - 9:30 am Saturdays, September 15 - November 17 6 / 12 488213-02 / FREE Kids Club (Extended time!) Get ready to move during this exciting program packed with active sports, fun games, creative crafts and more! Each week, the group will enjoy playing a new sport and game. During this time, participants will develop new skills while learning about the rules of each game. Along with sports, the group will engage in cooperative activities and fun crafts. Lunch is from 11:15 - 11:45 am. Please bring a sack lunch. No microwave or refrigerator will be available. Goals: Promote physical activity and fitness. Develop increased attention to activity and ability to follow directions. Promote team building and sportsmanship with peers. Contact: Marissa Wayne Min/Max: Age: 10 - 15 Program Code/Fee: Location: Everett School, Lake Forest Transportation Code/Fee: Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Now ending at 12:00 pm instead of 11:30 am) Times/Locations: Date: Saturdays, September 22 - November 17 40 6 / 10 488214-01 / $286 488214-51 / $49 Pick Up 8:30 am at NSSRA Register online at register.nssra.org.