NSSRA Program Guides Fall 2018 | Page 26

Adult Special Events Riding in Style Registration Deadline: Friday, September 21 This event is a vintage lover's dream! The Volo Auto Museum is a classic and iconic experience for all. Come check out all of the original and vintage cars on this Sunday afternoon. With over 33 exhibits, we'll see more than just cars, we'll discover thousands of mechanical marvels too! After the tour, the group will enjoy lunch at Leo's Pizza & Grill. Program fee includes admission and lunch. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Date: Min/Max: Catherine Benson Program Code/Fee: 21 and up Volo Auto Museum & Leo's Pizza & Grill, Round Lake Times/Locations: 12:00 - 3:00 pm Sunday, October 21 6 / 12 484721-61 / $73 Pick Up 10:35 am NSSRA 10:55 am WCRC 11:15 am Moraine Drop Off 4:25 pm 4:05 pm 3:45 pm Medieval Times Registration Deadline: Friday, October 19 Experience the epic battles of steel and steed! Let's time travel back to the 11th century into the stone wall castles of medieval times and watch it come to life before our eyes! This experience takes place over a four course meal; the excitement cannot be contained! Medieval Times is a live horse show in an enclosed arena. Persons with respiratory conditions, allergies or asthma should attend at their own risk. Medieval Times uses stroboscopic and pyrotechnic effects. Program fee includes admission and dinner. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Date: Min/Max: Catherine Benson Program Code/Fee: 21 and up Medieval Times, Schaumburg Times/Locations: 4:00 - 7:00 pm Sunday, November 4 6 / 12 484722-61 / $107 Pick Up 2:35 pm NSSRA 2:55 pm Moraine 3:15 pm WCRC Drop Off 8:25 pm 8:05 pm 7:45 pm Paint & Sip Registration Deadline: Friday, October 19 Let your inner artist shine! We'll sip on some root beer floats while creating our masterpieces at Bottle & Bottega! Sit back, relax and let's create! Program fee includes painting and root beer floats. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Date: Min/Max: Catherine Benson Program Code/Fee: 21 and up Bottle & Bottega, Highland Park Times/Locations: 5:45 - 8:00 pm Saturday, November 10 6 / 12 484723-61 / $68 Pick Up 4:50 pm NSSRA 5:10 pm WCRC 5:30 pm Moraine Drop Off 8:50 pm 8:30 pm 8:10 pm AMC Dine-In Registration Deadline: Friday, November 9 Kick back and recline! Let's enjoy our evening with dinner and a show. We'll go see the latest flick at Northbrook Court's AMC Dine-In theater! We will put in our dinner orders and make the most of our movie-going experience. Movie selection and time are TBD and will be communicated week of the event. This event will take place in the evening. Program fee includes dinner and movie ticket. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Date: Min/Max: 26 Catherine Benson Program Code/Fee: 21 and up AMC Northbrook Court Times/Locations: 6:00 - 9:40 pm   Friday, November 30 6 / 12 484724-61 / $67 Pick Up 4:45 pm NSSRA 5:15 pm WCRC 5:45 pm Moraine Drop Off 10:40 pm 10:20 pm 10:00 pm Register online at register.nssra.org.