NSSRA Program Guides Fall 2017 | 页面 2

Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association (NSSRA) was formed in 1970 and is an extension of ten park districts, two cities and one village in the northern suburbs of Chicago. This partnership includes the Park Districts of Deerfield, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Lake Bluff, Kenilworth, Northbrook, Northfield, Wilmette and Winnetka; the Cities of Highwood and Lake Forest and the Village of Riverwoods. Funding for NSSRA comes from three sources, including partner agency contributions, program fees and outside support from Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association Foundation (NSSRA Foundation). NSSRA’s services include traditional, inclusive, cooperative and summer camp programs. Special events, trips, overnight camps, Gator Athletics/Special Olympics, adaptive sports and more are also available. More information on Inclusion opportunities can be found on page 9 of this guide, as well as in our partner agencies’ program guides. NSSRA collaborates closely with each partner agency to ensure consistent information and that awareness of Inclusion opportunities is available to every resident. NSSRA has been creating an environment of belonging This program guide offers recreation activities for preschool, through play for nearly 50 years, and has the distinction of youth, teen, young adult and adult participants with being the first Special Recreation Association in the country. disabilities. Our program guide is published in fall, winter, spring and summer. Every effort has been made to assure NSSRA’s mission is to enrich the lives of people with the accuracy of information contained within this program disabilities in our partner communities through quality guide. However, errors can occur and circumstances may require adjustments to fees, schedules, locations or other recreation services. information. NSSRA reserves the right to make such NSSRA’s vision is to be leaders in recreation by providing adjustments and apologizes for any inconvenience these innovative and exceptional services for people with errors or adjustments may cause. disabilities. NSSRA’s core values are Compassion, Respect, Quality, Flexible, Accountable and Ethical Practices. Partner Agencies & Board of Directors Deerfield Park District Glencoe Park District Glenview Park District Park District of Highland Park City of Highwood Kenilworth Park District Lake Bluff Park District Jeff Nehila Lisa Sheppard Michael McCarty Liza McElroy Jim Hospodarsky Johnathan Kiwala Ron Salski City of Lake Forest Northbrook Park District Northfield Park District Village of Riverwoods Wilmette Park District Winnetka Park District Sally Swarthout Molly Hamer George Alexoff Kris Ford Steve Wilson John Muno As a cooperative of 13 partner agencies, one representative from each partner community serves on our Board of Directors, collaborating to provide leadership and governance to NSSRA. NSSRA families and the community are invited to attend board meetings on designated Thursdays at 10:00 am at NSSRA’s office. The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 14. Call (847) 509-9400 or visit our website at www.nssra.org for details or accommodations. 2