HotSwap Bypass Switches
The HotSwap Maintenance Bypass conveniently provides service continuity in all situations.
Ideal for maintenance and UPS upgrades, it facilitates hot-swappable battery replacement
from the front panel, with no need to remove the UPS from the rack. Critical operations will
never be compromised during battery replacement or other upgrades.
The HotSwap bypass is also an ideal accompaniment for smaller range UPS solutions up to
3kVA where a bypass is desired.
Flex PDU
Flex PDUs (Power Distribution Units) are flexible mounting PDS’s for easy connection of
multiple loads either as free-standing or on rack-mounted UPSs.
They have a large number of sockets designed to your Specification and are easy to
implement into any type of Installation (mounted either horizontally or vertically).
Intelligent and managed PDUs
NSSE supply a huge array of PDUs from the basic rack mounted PDU that simply provides
further outputs from your UPS through to intelligent and managed (switching) solutions.
Switching opens up a whole new world of remote management possibilities for your servers
and other devices. Now, with a few clicks or keystrokes, you can remotely reboot servers,
activate backup systems, power devices down ahead of a flood or other natural disaster, and
perform other valuable power control functions.
Battery Splitters (and splitter boxes)
Our Splitter Boxes are housed in a robust steel free standing case. It takes a given input
current and divides it across multiple outputs,
(63A input to either 2 x 32A or 4 x 16A outputs for example).