NSRCC Resort View Nov Dec 2019 | Page 8

Seen & Heard Full hous e for dinn er! Cheers! h er Oompa mm nce by Su Performa The lucky 1st pr l ize winner is... u f s s e c c u S Another ! t s e f r olftobe G M ore than 140 golfers and diners attended this year’s Golftoberfest. Some started their day with an afternoon golf game followed by dinner, while others joined the evening festivities. For the golfers, it was definitely a great afternoon game, paired with free beer and graced by perfect weather. In the evening, everyone gathered at The Leaders for the dinner. They were served with free flow of beer and German cuisine. Diners were entertained by performances from Summer Oompah. There were also many different games that kept them on their toes! The night ended with 12 diners receiving lucky draw prizes, given out by the Family Recreation Convenor, Mdm Florence Khemlani, and Resort & Facilities committee member, Mr Richard Soh. e had This gam ts participan reak b trying to en apart froz t-shirts 6 RESORT VIEW 12th ner raw win cky d prize lu er in nish the be Trying to fi t time the shortes