NSRCC Resort View Nov Dec 2019 | Page 27

Admiring th eir caricature portrait Throwing darts to In & Around NSRCC pop balloons Busy week end for the membersh ip team lusive ut the exc o g in k c e Ch rative gift commemo The next Tiger Woods in the making Ready with Getting ting henna pain he t o g l l We wi to e l i M a r Ext ! e l i m S u o y e Mak Vote for YOUR NSRCC Service Champions, and stand a chance to be a Winner too*! Terms & Conditions 1. You must be 18 years and above to be eligible to vote. 2. NSRCC Employees and their immediate family members (i.e. spouses, children, parents, siblings) and Vendors of NSRCC are not eligible to vote. 3. Votes can be made via voting cards placed at the counters around our two clubhouses. 4. Voters must fill in mandatory details on voting card such as name of staff, rating of service provided, name/contact no. of voter and date of vote to qualify. 5. Limited to one prize per voter per quarter.’ 6. NSRCC Service Excellence Committee has the absolute discretion to determine the eligibility of voters. Such determination shall be final and conclusive and NSRCC is not obliged to give any reason for its determination. * If the NSRCC Service Champion you have voted wins a Top Quarterly Award, you stand to win a prize too! their applic ation forms