NSRCC Resort View Nov Dec 2019 | Page 25

to be returned to the state in early 2020. Following a long 18-month journey, with guidance from the Redevelopment Committee and where the entire golf ball netting is built over existing buildings and carpark. Front Page Story Top 10 Facts about our Sky Range 1 First elevated driving range in Southeast Asia 2 3 Entire structure is built from steel 4 15 high masts of up to 44m to support the nettings 5 Site area of driving range is approximately 12,250m2 6 5-storeys high with elevators and washrooms on every floor 7 3 levels of practice bays with 14 practice bays at each level, for a total of 42 bays 8 Distance markers at 30m, 60m, 100m, 140m, 180m & 220m 9 Launch Monitor System, convex mirror, WiFi, USB charging port at each bay Highest viewing point in its southern site with panoramic coastal views of Changi beach 10 Supporting facilities such as Golf Academies, Club Fitting services, Rooftop Café and a golf bag locker room 18 RESORT VIEW 115976 RV Magazine (Sept-Oct)_02.09.19_For Final.indd 18 Soon after the ceremony, guests were invited to join LG Ong for a dinner reception held on Level 5 of the Sky Range, and also have first-hand experience at trying out the new practice bays. Even the young ones were new range! excited to try the 2/9/19 4:36 PM Members who joined the festivities during that weekend were treated to free golf balls to use during their practice, as well as tasty treats like hotdogs, chicken nuggets and ice-cream to fill their tummies while practising, while experiencing an entirely new and thrilling way to perfect their swing. Checking out their performa nce on the Skytr ak Launc h Monitor System RESORT VIEW 23