NSRCC Resort View Nov Dec 2019 | Page 12

Seen & Heard Hairon Awang, Mr Hairon Awang The Bowler with 11 Official Perfect Games H airon Awang scored a Perfect Game of 300 pin falls in the recent Adult Inter-Club Bowling League. He achieved it during the game at Singapore Recreation Club on Sep 12. “I took each frame at a time and felt that the lane was ideal for me that night. It gave me confidence and I struck all the pins. Eventually, I achieved a perfect game,” shared the 59 year old retiree. However, that was not his first Perfect Game. He said: “It added to my 24 times of Perfect Game achievement. Officially, I have achieved it 11 times throughout my 30 years of bowling.” Hairon receiv ing his award and certifica President of te from SGCC, the ho st club for Ad ult League Mr Hairon is the champion of numerous bowling leagues, not just locally, but also in the region. He was the Senior Masters Champion of Penang PESTA International Bowling Championship in 2013. He was also the Senior Division Champion of Singapore National Bowling Championship in 2017. His list of accolades motivates him to continue performing well in bowling. “I am more of an athletic bowler, I keep cool and go for it,” he said. 10 RESORT VIEW