NSFW Magazine Issue 2 (Red Ed.) | Page 2

I S S U E # 2 (R E D E D.) TA B L E O F C O N T E N T 16. HER Roman Dejon 26. SUMMERTIME SADNESS Tatiana Minelli 38. INSTANT BLUE LOVE Glen Gante 50. MODEL OF THE ISSUE: ZEUDI ZUIN BY 54.. Alberto Buzzanca 16 60. Giovanni Zacche' 86. Alberto Moschini 72. Andrea Prestana 76. Mauro Bezzi 84. FIVE MUSES: JONATHAN RED 86. Katia Martin 90. Iryna Miami 94. Claire Lush 50 98. Shannon Mill 102. Mia Valentin 106. INTERVIEW Kenneth Carrera 114. WHAT'S HAPPENING: BOLIVIA 116. Rodrigo Rocca 118. Raúl Valda 156 122. HERODIADE Max Menghini 136. WILLA IN LINGERIE Jonathan Red 144. NICOLE LARA The Fit Look 156. RETROSPECTIVE Adolfo Valente 174 174. INTIMATES Daniel Arias & Ce Colonel NSFW MAGAZINE DIRECTOR : DANIEL ARIAS (@idanielarias). EDITOR- IN - CHIEF: CE COLONEL (@cecolonel). C O N T R I B U T O R S : R O M A N D E J O N ( G E R ) , S E A N A R C H E R ( R U S ) . A D O L F O VA L E N T E ( I TA ) , J O N AT H A N R E D ( U S A ) , T H E F I T L O O K ( U S A ) , G L E N G A N T E ( A U S ) , A L B E R T O B U Z Z A N C A ( I TA ) , K E N N E T H C A R R E R A ( E C U ) , E S T E F A N I A A N T U N E Z ( E C U ) , R O D R I G O R O C C A ( B O L ) , R A Ú L VA L D A ( B O L ) , G I O VA N N I Z A C C H E ' ( I TA ) , M A X M E N G H I N I ( I TA ) , A N D R E A P R E S TA N A ( I TA ) , TAT I A N A M I N E L L I ( I TA ) . ED IT OR I A L We did not want to finish the year without first publishing our long-awaited edition “Intimates”. This issue contains beautiful works of photographers who are becom- ing references in their cities. From boudoir to fashion nude, trough the intimates & lingerie, every photographer has something to tell us from his view. One point they have in common is the place where they put the woman, which could not be otherwise than at the top, since they are the muses that inspire them to create such beautiful images. In times where women seek to reclaim their place in society, we bring to you this beautiful selection of works by photogra- phers from different parts of the world, with a main concept: Liberation. This edition could have been dedicated especially to the Italian photographers, eight of them participate and are part of these pages: Adolfo Valente, Alberto Buzzanca, Giovanni Zacche', Max Meng- hini, Andrea Prestana, Alberto Moschini, Mauro Bezzi & Tatiana Minelli. From the rest of the world we have: Roman Dejon (Germany), Sean Archer (Russia), Glen Gante (Australia), Jonathan Red (USA), The Fit Look (USA), Kenneth Carrera (Ecuador), Estefanía Antunez (Ecuador), Rodrigo Rocca and Raúl Valda (Bolivia). Enjoy this beautiful selection of works and have a Happy 2019! Daniel Arias, Director.