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NRS 440V - Trends and Issues in Health Care - Grand Canyon University
The Changing Role of Nursing Your Name Grand Canyon University: 440-V
December 2016
Our role as a nurse changing to more home health jobs:
The country is facing many changes especially with Obama Care being up in the
air with the new president. The Affordable Care Act has restructured how we
receive our health care in the United States. Nurses have and always will play a
very important role in our health care today. The one change that is very different
from how we receive our health care today is the simple fact that in years to
come it is expected that nursing will be in high demand outside of the hospital
compared to just having nurses in and around hospitals delivering acute care. The
practice of nursing is an ever evolving career. As we grow and evolve as a
NRS 440V Topic 5 Discussions
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