NRS 434 All Assignments NRS 434 All Assignments | Page 6

of death for teens 15 to 24 years old and 6th leading cause for children 5 to 14 years old (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2015). The key to helping our teens is being able to tell the difference between typical teen behavior or signs and symptoms of suicide. If the teen experiences the signs and symptoms below that are persistent, having multiple signs or symptoms, or the patient is experiencing behavior that is not normal for... NRS 434 week 3 topic 2 Click Link Below To Purchase topic-2 Risk factors for Adolescent Pregnancy There are several different risk factors that make a teen more likely to becoming pregnant. The risk factors for girls include: Living in poverty or low income Young age at time of becoming sexually active Non-white race and Hispanic ethnicity Not living with parents: living alone, with friends, with boyfriends, or relatives other than parents Psychosocial characteristics Dropping out of school Inadequate family support Depression Longstanding romantic relationship Older boyfriend Drug or alcohol abuse (Dopkins & Hillard, 2009) Risk factors associated with males becoming fathers in adolescence include: Inner city and minority Had a forced sexual contact Multiple sexual partners Drug or alcohol abuse Not using condoms (Dopkins & Hillard, 2009)...