NRS 430 Week 4 topic 1 NRS 430 Week 4 topic 1

NRS 430 Week 4 topic 1 Click Link Below To Purchase topic-1 Process for Implementing the Procedure: The very first step that I would want to complete would be to further research the procedure so that I would have adequate knowledge of said procedure. The next step would be to decide whether the new procedure falls within the nurses scope of practice. The nurses scope of practice is defined by the who, what, where, when, why, and how. The Texas Board of Nursing also has a very useful tool; it is called the Six Step Decision-Making Model for Determining Nursing Scope of Practice; it is a step by step flow chart to help a nurse to decide if the task that she is going to complete is within her scope of practice if in doubt. It would also be important to check your facilities policies and procedures...