NRS 410V Module 1 Assess your Knowledge of Foundational Concepts NRS 410V Module 1 Assess your Knowledge of Foundat | Page 3

Biology The signs and symptoms of anemia are all related to what common pathophysiologic feature of the condition? A.Increased oxygen consumption by tissues B.Decreased blood oxygen content C.Vasodilation D.A shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve Biology In addition to hypertension, preeclampsia is characterized by: A.Nausea and vomiting B.Fatigue and lower back pain C.Protein in the urine and edema D.Retinal changes and rates in the lungs Biology Common manifestations of bacterial pneumonia include all of the following except: A.Fever B.Productive Cough C.Tachypnea D.Hyperinflation Biology Closed drainage systems work to re-expand a lung after pneumothorax by: