NR 477 Complete Course Material NR 447 ( all weeks dqs and assignments ) | Page 14
3. Carefully read the information provided.
4. Develop a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 8–10 slides. Include the following,
keeping in mind what all this data means.
1. Title slide with information pertinent to the course.
1. List reasons to recommend hospital care to consumers (patients).
1. List reasons to recommend hospital compare to staff who may seek employment.
1. Summarize patient experiences data for each hospital.
1. Summarize timely and effective care data for two conditions.
1. Summarize data for readmissions or complications and deaths.
1. List recommendations for improving data for one selected facility.
1. Summarize what you learned from this experience. Develop PowerPoint slides to include
criteria listed above. For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint
slideshow, the following link may be helpful.