Nr. 11 / 3 - 2022 YCC-Posten | Page 76

På Hornet / Honk on a member

The A

My interest in two wheels has probably always been there. But nothing was done until 2016/2017. Newly divorced and single, a guy from 'søre luten', (that is to say someone who comes from southern Sunnmøre), came to visit in his BMW. It was probably then that I thought ‘now or never’ about getting on two wheels.


In the autumn of 2016, I signed up for a course and started with driving lessons in 2017. I had no experience with two wheels, so it was a steep curve to get through. Cracking the code with the cones took some time.


Start with driving hours in February 2017 when the weather made it possible. On 29 September 2017, I was able to note an A on my license. I was the last person to get the exam at Ålesund traffic station that season. Then it was time to go home and untie the two-wheeler for the first time without an ‘L’ on the back.

Henry - The only one

Eg har berre eigd ein sykkel og det er den eg har no. Henry, oppkalla etter min far som døydde i 2001. Pappa køyrte også to hjul, men trur ikkje det var noko sertifikat på den tida han heldt på. Storebror har vore den som har støtta meg gjennom opplæringa. Han tok meg med på rundar til ulike forhandlarar og private som skulle selje sykkel då han meinte eg måtte prøvesitje fleire før eg fann den riktige. Då vi kom til Henry som stod inne hos AMS i Ålesund var det berre noko som falt på plass. Kjærleik ved fyrste blikk. Storebror hadde tolmod til å øvingskøyre med meg. Han slapp meg ikkje ut på vegen før han meinte eg var klar for det. Så då var det rundt og rundt på ein stille plass for å terpe på teknikkferdigheiter.

Henry - The one and only

I've only owned one bike and that's the one I have now. Henry, named after my father who died in 2001. Dad also drove two wheels, but I don't think there was any certificate at the time he was doing it. My big brother has been the one who has supported me through the training. He took me on rounds to various dealers and private individuals who were going to sell bicycles as he thought I had to try several before I found the right one. When we got to Henry, who was at AMS in Ålesund, something just fell into place. Love at first sight. Big brother had the patience to practice drive with me. He did not let me out on the road until he thought I was ready for it. So, then it was round and round in a quiet place to practice technical skills.

Utsikt Longyearbyen på Svalbard.

Vesten måtte med.

View from Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

The vest had to come along.