Nr. 11 / 3 - 2022 YCC-Posten | Page 51

Alexandertreffet / Tour de Tyrfjorden

Det ble også avholdt quiz med premier sponset av Klubbshopen. Dette har også blitt en tradisjon. I år som i fjor var det Kahoot som var rammen for quiz’n, med dertil (årlige?) teknologiske utfordringer. Problemer eller ikke; Det ble høy stemning under konkurransen og verdige vinnere ble kåret.


A quiz was also held with prizes sponsored by the Club Shop. This has also become a tradition. This year, as last year, Kahoot was the framework for the quiz, with following (annual?) technological challenges. Problems or not; There was a great atmospheric mood during the competition and worthy winners were chosen by skills.


Kvelden ble avholdt i restauranten på campingplassen. Her var det nydelig grillbufeet med pils og annen drikke som sto på menyen. Restauranten hadde fått inn en trubadur ( som kom for å synge og spille. Han dro i gang en høy stemning og klarte uten problemer å tilfredsstille alle de musikalske ønsker som kom frem.


Enda en hyggelig kveld sammen med glade motorsykkelfolk gikk etter hvert mot slutten.

The evening was held in the restaurant at the campsite. Here was the lovely barbecue buffet with beer and other drinks that was on the menu.


The restaurant had received a troubadour ( who came to sing and play. He started a high mood and managed without problems to satisfy all the musical desires that emerged.


Another pleasant evening with happy motorcyclists gradually came to an end.

Til tross for at den dyktige lokale trubaduren

"Doffe" klarte å lage god stemning satte han stor pris på våre bidrag.

Despite the fact that the talented local

troubadour "Doffe" managed to create a good atmosphere, he greatly appreciated our contributions.