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Internasjonalt treff / International Rally

Søndag - Avskjedssøndag

Det ble mye sosialt samvær og hygge ut over de tidlige timer på søndagen. Etter hvert ble det frokost og glade motorsyklister begynte å trekke ut over Norges land. Noen skulle hjemover mens andre skulle videre på ferie.

Det ble større og mindre grupper som forsvant ut av området.

Sunday, sunny Sunday

There was a lot of socializing and enjoyment throughout the early hours on Sunday. Eventually it was breakfast and happy motorcyclists began to pull out across Norway's land. Some were going home while others were going on holiday.

Groups in all sizes ran out of the area with destinations of all kind. Some were going home while other were going do Norway.

"The perfect view from the front door". Photo by Lanthus Clark.

"The good company". Photo by Anette Lee.

Rocking with Black Ice.

Photo by Gyri Glenster