Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 | Page 82

Norgestur på pur glede /Just for the plasure

Bilde over: Utsikten fra Vålandstårnet er fortsatt flott.

Vålandstårnet. ‘The Våland Tower’ stands on Vålandshaugen. It is located 84 meters above sea level and is therefore the highest point of the district Eiganes and Våland, or Axelsborg, as it was formerly called. Vålandstårnet is a lookout tower built in 1895 with a guard house for the city's first pressurized water pool. Before today's Våland Tower was built, there should have been a lookout tower on this site. This was built during the Napoleonic War from 1807-1814.

Picture above; The view is still magnificent.


Bilde/picture: Dale.