Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 | Page 66

Bildet: Sennalandet. En stor opplevelse å kjøre på, til tross for at det var noe mindre svinger enn vanlige motorsyklister setter høyt.

The picture: Sennalandet. A great experience to ride on, despite the fact that it was slightly smaller turns than ordinary motorcyclists set high.

The trip continues beyond the plateau. When we arrive at the the Finnish border we became a little skeptical. We had been told that the Finnish border patrol with could be hard. What we meet at the border is that couple of Norwegian soldiers who just wave us on. On the Finnish side, we did not meet anyone.

When we get into Finland, the rain came with the thunder and the unpleasant feeling it is and riding a motorcycle when ‘Tor hits with the hammer’. When we were in need to fill up the petrol in Kammanen, which is a tiny settlement in northern Finland, the thunderstorm had knocked out the petrol pump. Then we realize that we are FAR out in the country. The petrol pump was controlled from a PC that was under a table.

So we just had to continue on to Inari where we were going to spend the night. We meet so many reindeer that they were even laying in the middle of the roundabout.

Day 11

The trip goes on from Inari to Rovaniemi. It is a total about 32 miles. We start with about 12 degrees and light cloud cover. So not the big summer heat. Actually, a little strange when we had the great weather the night before. We drive 6-8 miles in about 12 degrees before we drive over an altitude of 400 meters. On the other hand, the weather turned around and started smiling. It just gets better and better throughout the day. At most it was about 32 degrees in the shadow. We had several stops for both coffee, dinner along the way. Arriving at our house a little in the afternoon. The house has all possibilities. We sat outside and enjoyed a cold beer until 22:00. A wonderful day is coming to an end.


Nord-Norge og Nordkapp - 2021 / North Norway and North Cape 2021