Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 | Page 55


Why can not the other models also get such a nice pot? Here you have a proper pot that lies nicely up the side. These are other stuff than these modern holes that just 'blow the exhaust out to imitate smoke from the rear tire'. A big plus in the margin here for little brother over his bigger siblings!

After a test ride with the XSR 125, the trip went to Tracer 7. I have driven this before to great pleasure. Since then, the two-cylinder in-line engine has been upgraded. My test experiences are not big enough to notice such differences, but I can at least say that this is a bike I both liked and like. Then as now. You sit well and have a well-functioning windscreen. It also has a pleasant sound. This test trip went to the southeast. This should prove to be a better test route.

It was a bit too long a test drive compared to the agreement, but the guys at AGM thought this was just pleasant. (Thanks for that!)

It was no time to make a test of Triumph, as I would rather take a look at the rest of AGM-Week's offers.


Etter en prøveturen med XSR 125 gikk turen til Tracer 7. Denne har jeg kjørt tidligere til stor glede. Siden den gang har den tosylinderede rekkemotoren fått oppgradering. Mine testerfaringer er ikke store nok til å merke slike forskjeller, men jeg kan i alle fall si at dette er en sykkel jeg både likte og liker godt. Da som nå. Du sitter godt og har en velfungerende vindskjerm. Trivelig lyd har den også. Denne prøveturen gikk mot sydøst. Dette skulle vise seg å bli en bedre testrute.

Det ble en litt for lang prøvetur i forhold til avtalen, men dette syntes gutta hos AGM bare var trivelig. (Takk for den!)


Det ble ikke test av Triumph, da jeg heller ville ta en titt på resten av AGM-Week sine tilbud.

The first thing I noticed was of course that I had to give more gas when I was going to start. No wonder really! But this was a pleasant acquaintance. There was good sound in the single cylinder and it pulled well. You are sitting on a motorcycle with sufficient strength to have a pleasant ride.

XSR generally has a great design. This is Yamaha's retro model. One thing I really liked about the XSR 125 is the design for the pot!



Bilde: To vakre motorsykler.

Hver til sitt formål!

Picture: Two beautiful motorcycles.

Each for its own purpose!