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YCC-Posten Nr 6 /2-2021

Petrol in Norway

Porous fuel hoses.

Due to the strong dissolving effect of ethanol, gasoline hoses can become porous, and leaks can occur after prolonged exposure.

Attraction of water.

Ethanol attracts moisture / water, which degrades the fuel quality and can lead to corrosion of some components in the fuel system.

Avoid getting water and other contaminants in the fuel tank. Contaminated fuel can cause poor engine performance or, in the worst case, cause engine damage. Use only fresh, clean gasoline that has been stored in clean containers.

Yamaha motorcycles built after 1990 or Yamaha outboards built after 2003 are designed to withstand E5 and E10 fuel.

With wishes for a safe season from Yamaha Motor Scandinavia.


Porøse bensinslanger; 

På grunn av den sterke

oppløsningseffekten av etanol kan

bensinslanger bli porøse og lekkasjer

kan oppstå etter lengre tids eksponering. 


Tiltrekking av vann; 

Etanol tiltrekker seg fukt/vann, som forringer bensinkvaliteten og kan lede til korrosjon av enkelte komponenter i drivstoffsystemet. 


Unngå å få vann og andre forurensninger i bensintanken. Forurenset drivstoff kan forårsake dårlig motorprestasjoner eller i verste fall forårsake motorskade. Bruk kun fersk, ren bensin som har vært lagret i rene beholdere. 


Yamaha-motorsykler bygget etter 1990 eller Yamaha-utenbordsmotorer bygget etter 2003 er utviklet for å tåle E5 og E10-drivstoff. 


Med ønsker om en trygg sesong fra Yamaha Motor Scandinavia. 

What to do?

This means that it is important to feed your motorcycle with good fuel. This will give you a safe and reliable vehicle. If you are unlucky, the vehicle will catch fire in the worst case, or the ethanol will boil, and the bubbles will block the fuel system.

Ethanol boils at about 75 degrees and petrol at 200. Even 75 degrees sounds loud, but on a hot summer day with heat from the engine compartment and pipes adjacent to the engine block, a critical situation is quickly achieved. In the United States, which has had ethanol gasoline for a long time, studies have shown that days with temperatures above 25 degrees easily produce boiling ethanol.

Of course, it is recommended to check fuel hoses before winter storage / start-up in the spring to prevent leakage and fire. There are different types of hoses that are more resistant to ethanol etching. Of course, these are the ones you should have on your vehicle.

If you want to fill up with E0 fuel, there is a (fairly) simple method in Norway today; to fill 98-Octane. This will, unfortunately, be more difficult to obtain, and even more expensive. However, there is help available!

AmCar (American Car Club Norway) has created an app that works on most smartphones. This amazing application uses the phone's GPS and shows you the way to the nearest gas station which has the halloweded fuel 98-Octane. The app is called ‘Refuel’, and it works fine. I used have used it the last years Map data is updated for the season.

Click on the image (Refule)  and read about the

app. This page

has links

towhere the app

is located in

your phone's

"App Store".