Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 | Page 31

The meeting place for this year’s departure was at Tyrigrava. It is afamous place surrounded by pleasant roads. Here were 42 bodies that had appeared. One motorcycle rided by two souls.


It was thus a solid entourage that drove out of the parking lot under the leadership of Road Captain Erik Brinchmann and anchorman Tormod Wood, both from NMCU. The wheels were laid in the direction of Drøbak. The driving route alternated between large and small roads. This is useful for being noticed by as many drivers of vehicles with more than three wheels as possible.


When we got to Drøbak we made a trip through the city, so we could stop by the sea to lick both sun and ice. It was a pleasant break where everyone had a motorcycle chat with drivers of all kinds of brands.


From Drøbak, the route went through Ås, Ski, Langhus and up to the destination; MC-Oslo at Furuset,


When we arrived at the destination, we were welcomed by NMCU's County Secretary Kari-Anne Søreng-Stensrud. She told those present a few well-chosen words about the ‘50-year-old’ NMCU and the work they had done through these years. There is a lot we all take for granted, that in fact is a victory of hard work from NMCU. They have worked hard for

our rights towards our legislative

authorities for all these years. So we

all hope that this helps even more people understand the important work that this organization does for all of us who ride motorcycles. A membership in NMCU should be as natural as having a certificate to ride a motorcycle. A carrot for many of today’s visitors was probably that a valid NMCU certificate gave a 15% discount on everything in the shop at MC-Oslo today.


We listeners could also hear MC-Avisa's test driver, Ole-Andreas Isdahl, talk about driving pleasure and safety. It was both useful and interesting to hear this from someone who has driven almost everything that move on two wheels. The essence is to know both your own and the vehicle's limitations, as well as to always practice driving. Most motorcycles today have characteristics that surpass the driver.


Thus, we are now facing a new season, and everyone must drive beautifully and safely. Also remember to exercise.


In the end, everyone got both sausages and a birthday cake to celebrate NMCU 50 years.

Nytt fra lokallagene / Regional news

Se Oss - Aksjonen

See Us - Campaign

Bilde venstre: Enkelte deltager hadde vester med spesielt budskap for dagen.

Bilde under: "Hva i @#¤%& er dette? Denne kreasjon sto til salgs blant mopeder hos MC-Oslo. Med andre ord 15% avslag i dag (usolgt).

Picture left: Some participants wore vests with a special message for the day. ("Thanks for seeing me! NMCU.)

Picture below: "What the @ # ¤% & is this? This creation was for sale among mopeds at MC-Oslo. In other words, 15% discount today (unsold).
