Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 | Page 28

At the stroke of 3 minutes and 27 seconds past 11, it started to happen something a little further up there. Some motorcycles had started to move, and the rest of the entourage followed. I joined the traction, and we had started the trip to Sundvolden.


The event committee had arranged for people to stop any oncoming traffic at irregular intervals. This worked very well. Some crossings were "unmanned", but this was often on roads where it was easy for us to get around, or even better; for the oncoming motorist to lay out in the left lane to let us drive together. This worked fine.


The trip went on everything from minor roads to highways. We became well visible and many people stopped and waved to us! Arriving at Sundvolden, I spotted Jørn Øverby and Erik Hermansen. I parked next to them, and we were looking at the incoming motorcycles together. We stood for a long time! Jørn Øverby estimated that there should be about 700 motorcycles in total at Sundvolden. Later we were talking to some of the organizers. He could tell us that there were 1,500 who had driven from Tyrigrava, and that there were 2,700 who had come to Sundvolden. An acceptable and cozy disc boom from both Jørn Øverby and the undersigned. We were asked if YCC-N wanted to be present at the event next year. With such a number, they want to facilitate a little more program and show.


All in all, a successful program and a pleasant trip with like-minded people.

Arrangementskomiteen hadde ordnet med personer som stoppet eventuell innkjørende trafikk med ujevne mellomrom. Dette fungerte veldig bra. Enkelte påkjøringer var «ubemannet», men dette var gjerne på steder hvor det var lett for oss å komme rundt, eller helst; for den påkjørende bilist å legge seg ut i venstre fil for å la oss kjøre samlet. Dette fungerte fint.


Turen gikk på alt fra mindre veier til motorveier. Vi ble godt synlige. Vel fremme på Sundvolden fikk jeg øye på Jørn Øverby og Erik Hermansen. Jeg parkerte ved siden av dem, og vi ble stående å se på de innkommende motorsyklene. Vi sto lenge! Jørn Øverby anslo antallet å være om lag 700. Senere fikk vi høre, i samtale med en av arrangørene, at vi var 1,500 som hadde kjørt fra Tyrigrava, og at det var 2,700 som hadde kommet til Sundvolden. En akseptabel og hyggelig skivebom fra både Jørn Øverby og undertegnede. Vi ble forespurt om YCC-N ønsket å ha stand ved arrangementet neste år. Med et slikt antall ønsker de å legge til rette for litt mer program og stander på kommende treff.


Alt i alt et vellykket opplegg og en trivelig tur med likesinnede.

May 1 with Reitwagen and BikeLife


May 1 has become a traditional day to celebrate the "Season start for motorcycle riding". Some have started a long time ago, while others wait a little longer for various reasons. Regardless, being able to take part in some event this day has become a goal itself for manye people, as long as the snow is not too deep.


The undersigned had decided to attend the season opener for Reitwagen and Bikelife. Then I arrived at Tyrigrava 10:50. Departure was scheduled for 11:00. I was far from alone there. It was easy to see that it would be difficult to get into the, already crowded, parking lot. The solution was just to stop in the middle of the road, where there were... crowded.

From my little vantage point up on the slope I got a picture taken. I made a quick estimate and thought that there could be up to 300 motorcycles in total. This turned out to be a solid miss on the famous ‘barn door’.

Nytt fra lokallagene / Regional news

Bilde: Sundvolden og 2,700 motorsykler samlet.

Picture: Sundvolden and 2,700 motorcycles gathered together.