Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 Nr. 10 / 2 - 2022 | Page 26

Internasjonal koordinator / International Coordinator

Ole-Marius Aspelund har truffet MC-folk fra mange land og fra mange miljøer. Det er et møte han liker å trekke frem.


Jeg var oppe i Nordland på en jobb. Jobben gikk greit, og jeg ble tidlig ferdig. Derfor forhørte jeg meg om det var en MC-butikk i nærheten. Det ville være artig å ta en titt. Det viste seg å være en Harley Davidson forhandler noen steinkast unna. Et steinkast i denne sammenhengen var et par mil, men det var innenfor. Det var lenge til stengetid.


Da jeg kom dit var butikken stengt, og lysene av. Jeg hadde tross alt kjørt et godt stykke, så jeg ville i det minste gjøre litt window-shopping. Mens jeg sto og tittet inn vinduene, hørte jeg plutselig noen rope bak meg; «Hei du! Er det noe jeg kan hjelpe deg med?». Ropene kom fra en buss på parkeringsplassen. Jeg fortalte at jeg bare var kommet for å titte, fordi jeg hadde litt tid til overs etter en fullført jobb. «Det er ikke noe problem», ropte mannen i bussen, «Nøklene står i døren og lysbryteren er rett til høyre. Bare lås deg inn og se deg rundt. Jeg er tilbake om litt». Da kunne jeg jo ikke gjøre annet enn å låse opp og se meg rundt. Etter en times tid kom innehaver tilbake og vi hadde en hyggelig prat. Ekte legendarisk nordnorsk gjestfrihet.

Ole-Marius Aspelund has met motorcyclists from many countries and from many backgrounds. There is one meeting he likes to highlight.


I was up in Nordland at work. The job went well, and I finished early. Therefore, I asked the customer if there was a motorcycle shop nearby. It would be exiting just to take a look. It turned out to be a Harley Davidson dealer ‘a stone's throw   away’, (normal scale in northern Norway that can be compared to ‘just around the corner’). A ‘stone's throw’ in this context were a couple of miles, but that was within reach for my schedule. It was a long time until closing time.


When I got there, the store was closed, and the lights off. After all, I had driven a decent distance, so I would at least do some window shopping. As I stood looking in the windows, I suddenly heard someone shouting behind me; "Hey you! Is there anything I can help you with? ». The shouts came from a bus in the parking lot. I told him I had only come to look, because I had some time to spare after finishing a job. "There's no problem," shouted the man from the bus, "the keys are in the door and the light switch is straight to the right. Just lock yourself in and look around. I'll be back soon”. Then I could do nothing but unlock and look around. After an hour the proprietor came back, and we had a nice chat. True legendary northern Norwegian hospitality.

Ekstra hyggelige MC-folk!

Extra nice motorcycle people!

Best på verktøy og utstyr!