Annual Report 2018 | Page 22

22 | ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Working to protect threatened species Beach scrub - a critically endangered barrier between BEACH scrubs are complex habitats found only on ancient sand dunes. Coastal beach scrubs protect coastlines from extreme weather impacts such as cyclones and storm surges, and provide habitat for rare and threatened species, including the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and the beach stone-curlew (Esacus magnirostris). Beach scrubs are also valued for their bush tucker and many contain culturally-significant sites. This year, our Protecting Beach Scrub Communities project continued to protect, maintain, and restore beach scrubs threatened by clearing for urban and agricultural land, inappropriate fire regimes, feral pests and exotic weeds. We worked alongside Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) on 15 priority sites between Crystal Creek and Bowen, selected according to condition, threats, and significance. Together we successfully reduced weeds including lantana, prickly pear and rubber vine, and improved the condition and extent of this threatened habitat. CVA workers tackle lantana