Guadalupe County members take a rest in a shady canyon in Big Bend. Left to right, first row: Julie Crouch, Mary Styblo, Daryl Styblo. Second row seated:
Judy Stanley, Deedy Wright, Joyce Friesenhahn, Marilyn Anderson, Nancy Masterson, Claire Walters, Ranger Jennette Jurado. Third row: Jo Ann Teweles, Bob
Teweles, Pam Turner, Andrew Friesenhahn, Monta Zengerle, Thom Walters. Photo by Daryl Styblo.
Don’t miss out on the fun!
When you join the Society, you become a member of a local chapter, with
the opportunity to get involved at a personal level. Our local chapters have
some great times together like field trips to Big Bend, and they also sponsor
educational programs, demonstration gardens, workshops and many other
types of programs that benefit their local communities.
Your membership dues also help support programs around the state,
including grants and scholarships, the NICE! program, our initiative
to restore monarch butterfly habitat and our new Native Landscape
Certification program.
The Native Plant Society of Texas wants to preserve our
rich biological heritage for future generations of Texans.
Join us and get in on the fun.
Membership Categories
Individual $35
Family $50
Student/Sr/Limited Income
Patron $100
Benefactor $250
Supporting $500
Lifetime Membership
(One-time payment)
Mail your check to:
Native Plant Society of Texas
P.O. Box 3017
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
You may also join or renew online at