NPSOT News Summer 2013 31 | Page 13

South Texas – Beach to Brush Country That will be the theme of our 2013 Annual Symposium to be held Thursday, October 17, through Sunday, October 20, at the Holiday Inn – Emerald Beach in Corpus Christi. On-line registration is targeted to begin in July. sharing your images of our great native plants and habitats with your fellow attendees and getting a little well-deserved recognition while doing it. For inquiries and questions contact Cecil Carter at [email protected]. South Texas serves as the intersection point for the Brush Country, the Coastal Plains and Marshes, and the Gulf Beaches and includes unique habitats such as the Texas Sand Sheet. Book accommodations now! The symposium will provide an overview of the ecoregions and their evolution during historical times while also providing an understanding of the effects of current stresses such as climate change, urban sprawl, invasive plants, and general habitat destruction. Ongoing efforts at habitat preservation and restoration will be examined along with some encouraging success stories. Because South Texas habitats continue to suffer under exceptional drought conditions, we will feature a review of water issues in the region. Finally, our diverse break-out session presentations will feature an array of topics ranging from the above themes to native plant gardening, sustainability, and other native plant related subjects. In an effort to attract more students and educators, the Society is once again offer