627 and 629 Franklin Street
Local businesses in Pella ’ s historic downtown have changed a lot throughout the years . Storefronts located at 627 and 629 Franklin Street , now the Work of Our Hands and the Cellar Peanut Pub , used to be an advertising office and a bar , pictured here in 1939 .
Scholte Church
Scholte Church , originally located on West First Street , was Dominie Henry Scholte ’ s first church in Pella . The church , photographed here circa 1900 , was made of clapboard , painted white , and had a bell tower and steeple . A replica of the church was built in 1976 , now located on Franklin Street in Pella Historical Village . On the front of the church are painted the words , “ IN DEO SPES NOSTRA ET REFUGIUM ,” meaning , “ In God is our refuge .”
24 Now & Then