Novinky pod nosom 06/2013 | Page 6

Košice 2013 - European Capital of Culture

This year Košice has become the official European town of culture together with French town Marseille . This project is one of the most important events in Europe . Culturl program started

Slávik 2012

Komu sa to stalo ? Ocenení boli rôzni speváci a speváčky Čo sa stalo ? Boli ocenení speváci , ktorí za rok 2012 niečo zložili , prípadne vznikla nová skupina Kde sa to stalo ? Udialo sa to v bratislavskej Inchebe Kedy sa to stalo ? Stalo sa to v nedeľu 3 . 2 . 2013 Prečo sa to stalo ? Aby sa slovenská hudba zviditeľnila a aby sme povzbudili spevákov k ďalšej tvorbe
BRATISLAVA – nedeľný večer na Jojke patril odovzdávaniu slovenských hudobných trofejí . Slávik 2012 začal krátko pred pol deviatou a divákov hneď na úvod pobavil v dokrútke Mário Kuly Kollár ( 41 ). Okrem dvoch ocenení pre Celeste Buckingham ( 17 ) sa v jednotlivých kategóriách žiadne veľké prekvapenie nekonalo . Čerstvým držiteľom cien Slávik 2012 , označených podtitulom najprestížnejšie hudobné ceny na
on 19 and 20 January in different place in Košice . These events were for example : country theatre , Steel Arena and several clubs and restaurants . A lot of famous artist , including Katka Knechtová who comes from Košice , took part in these events ! This town had been preparing for this day from the wining title in year 2008 . After Košice and Marseille , Riga in Latvia and Umeas in Sweeden , will become European cultural centers in year 2014 . Mons and Plzeň in year 2015 and Donostia – San Sebastian with town Wroclaw in year 2016 . •
Slovensku , stačilo historicky najmenej hlasov , aby sa dostali na vrchol . Absolútny Slávik mal 8 176 hlasov , čo je najmenej počas 15 rokov ankety . Jediné prekvapenia priniesla kategória Speváčka a mohli byť ešte väčšie – Celeste Buckingham na zlatú Tinu chýbala necelá stovka hlasov . •

Víťazstvo v plaveckej štafete

Družstvo našich mladších žiačok získalo na plaveckých pretekoch 1 . miesto v štafete na 4 x 25 m . Žiačkam gratulujeme a ďakujeme za vzornú reprezentáciu školy . •
Who ? A lot of singers were awarded there . What ? Singers who composed something or they established a new band in 2012 were awarded Where ? It happened in Bratislava Incheba arena . When ? It was on Saturday night 3 February 2013 Why ? It was because we wanted other countries to get to know our music and we wanted to encourage other singer to compose more .
Prices for Slávik ( Nightingale ) 2012 were given on Sunday February 2 , 2013 in Bratislava . Different singers and bands got prices . Video of the year , hit of the year , and other were announced . People sent text messages and voted for the winners . The singers sang and actors entertained people . This year less people than other years voted but it was enough to declare the best ones . Best singer for this year is Peter Cmorík and Tina . The best music band is Desmod and also they are absolute winner- Slávik . Celeste Buckinham got two awards then song Žijeme len raz ( We live only once ) by Ego and Project by Peter Bič . •