November GuardME Nov. 2013 | Page 6

From the Command Sgt. Major Soldiers, The Maine Army National Guard strives for highly trained, well developed noncommissioned officers to train and educate our junior soldiers. Going forward, we are taking a more proactive approach towards evaluating the requirements for promotion. Effective 1 January 2014, any Maine Army National Guard staff sergeant who does not graduate the Warrior Leader Course by 30 September 2014, will be reduced to the rank of sergeant for failure to complete their primary military education. Selection for promotion to an NCO rank is based on performance and potential to serve at increasing levels of responsibilities. The training and education of our NCOs is vital to our readiness. The Army developed this program to bridge the operational and institutional domains and set conditions for continuous growth and lifelong learning for soldiers. Due to the funding constraints of today’s environment, SSD is an intrical part of our training and is here to stay. SSD is mandatory, web-based training that continues throughout a soldier’s career and is synchronized with classroom and experiential learning. The multimedia courses cover everything from NCO history to recognizing the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, implementing habits to increase health and fitness to applying ethical leadership at a small unit level. SSD is a centrally managed set of specified contents that must be completed within specified career points as a prerequisite for attendance at Warrior Leader Course, Senior Leader Course and Sergeants Major Course. Continual training and education is a vital part in our career and as a leader in a rapidly changing environment. Any soldier who cannot meet the core requirements that the Army deman G2v?????B&Rv?fV?F?R??'GV??G?F??Gf?6R?F??2??6?VFW26??F?W'2v??f??F?6???WFRF?V?"?WfV??b54B?GW&??rF?R&W67&?&VBF??Vg&?W2v?????@?&RV?v?&?Rf?"&???F???6??6?FW&F????"gW'F?W"?4?U2GFV?F?6R?W&vR??RF?6???V?vR??W'6V?b?26??F?W"?Bf?F?'B?bF?R7V66W72?bF?R???R&??F????wV&BvP?6???B???r?W'6V?fW2&V6??R6???6V?B??B?2??W"&W7??6?&??G?26??F?W"F?&R6???GFVBF????F????p???W"??F'?&?fW76????6?v??6?&Vv??2v?F?VGV6F?????&???WG2?f?'v&B?$?4?$B??????$??7FFR6????B6W&vV?B??? ??