nuanced to the careful observer . What do you hope your audience will take away from your work ?
CHC : I just want them to feel something about my art . It doesn ' t have to be exactly what I feel when I look at them . I look at abstract art as a very refined form of Rorschach inkblot tests . I hope that they can use my abstract art to discover something in themselves . I also want them to use my art as a catalyst for their own creativity , something I think abstract art does better than art that is representational . I ' ve written an essay about this that you might like to publish in rez sometime in the future . been writing poetry . I ' d like to see if I can connect those different parts of my brain to write songs .
JM : Thank you , Consuela , for sharing these thoughts about your creative process . You ’ re truly a multidisciplinary artist that brings so much talent to the table . We look forward to hearing some of your musical compositions in the future . I urge everyone to stop by your gallery to experience the breadth of your vision . It ’ s a privilege to bring your work to the attention of our readers . Thank you again .
JM : I ’ d be delighted ! Which world has the stronger pull on you - - the world of visual imagery , or the world ofwords ?
CHC : Neither . I oscillate between the two worlds .
JM : What ’ s Consuela ’ s next creative enterprise ?
CHC : I ' d like to refine my poetry but I would also like to start putting music to my words . In the past , I used to be able to sit at a piano and compose melodies . For the past two years I ' ve