Kyler Anderson Helene Balmir Will Bishel Conrad Robertson |
Lauren Burke Michael Davidson Angelique Estrada Cheyenne Yankish |
James Jarvis Brandon McCombs Anthony Navas Nicolas Nesselrode Kody Shirley |
Craig McKarns David Rowley Jennifer Slivka Jacob Mentzer |
Danielle Worth Todd Trynosky Joseph Zingaro Alexis Ramos |
If You Have a Grievance
First : Attempt to resolve the matter informally with your supervisor .
Second : If you cannot resolve this with your supervisor , contact one of the representatives above .
Remember : There are time limits to initiate a written grievance .
If You Are Being Investigated
Record : All interviews once you have been given an NOI .
Copy : All memos or paperwork related to the investigation .
Truthfully : Answer all questions related to the investigation .
If you are called by the Professional Standards Bureau ( PSB ) or any police supervisor regarding an investigatory interview or interrogation , you may have PLEA representation during that interview . Call for representation as soon as possible .
If you are contacted by the Special Investigations Detail ( SID ), do not speak with them until you have
contacted a PLEA Board member for referral to a criminal attorney .
For your convenience , a PLEA Board member and representative are available 24 / 7 .
During normal business hours , please contact the PLEA Office at ( 602 ) 246-7869 . During weekends , holidays and after hours , contact the Radio Supervisor .