On September 3 , 2024 , we all heard the radio tone that will forever cause every Phoenix Police Officer to hold their breath and experience a hollow pit in their stomach : “ 999 , officer down .”
Officer Zane Coolidge 10914 and Officer Matt
Haney 11590 responded to an emergency call of a burglary from vehicle in progress . Upon their arrival , they found the suspect described and went to make contact with him . In true criminal fashion , the suspect did not want to be held accountable for his criminal activity and fled on foot . These dedicated officers took off after the suspect because that was their job . This cowardly criminal made a conscious decision to escalate this encounter with a gun and began shooting at them . Both officers were shot . Ofc Haney was able to return fire at the suspect after being shot . The suspect continued running . Matt then realized that Zane was down .
Matt went into automatic mode . After being shot himself and while ensuring the suspect didn ’ t return to continue the encounter , Matt began rendering life-saving aid to Zane . As additional resources arrived , they were able to take over .
Zane suffered a catastrophic injury and fought for three days , but it ultimately became more than he could overcome .
As police officers , we all know and accept that every shift is an unknown and the unthinkable could happen . Every year , hundreds of officers nationwide lose their lives serving their communities . As days turn into months and months turn into years , it is easy for all of us to think , “ It won ’ t happen to me or someone I know .” Until it does . When it does , it shakes every officer to the core . It is a stark reminder that control is an illusion . We are a type-A profession , and it shatters what control we think we have . It is not uncommon for some to rethink their career path and opt for something else . The majority of us will continue on and accept the risk and potential fate .
This profession is a calling , and we all become police officers to serve our communities with the goal of leaving a small positive mark on the people we serve . Police officers are oftentimes exposed to the worst evil the world has to offer . Too often , people forget that police officers are human beings . We experience the same fears and joys everyone else does .
We lost a hero on September 6 , 2024 . A wife lost her husband , a daughter lost her dad , and a family lost their son and brother , and we lost a friend and hero .
Rest easy , brother . You are missed .