November / December 2021 | Page 4




Ruffing losers in dummy is an important tool for declarer in a suit contract . When planning the play , it can be critical to handle both the trump suit and the suit being ruffed in the right order .
Suppose we are declarer in 2♠ after this auction :
All Pass
West leads the ♥Q . What ’ s our plan ?
♠ K Q J 2♠
♥ 6 4
♦ A Q 8 6 5
♣ 9 5 3
♠ 7 3 2 n ♠ A 5 ♥ Q J 8 5 w e ♥ K 9 3 2
♦ J 4 s ♦ K 10 9 3
♣ A 10 4 2
♣ J 7 6
♠ 10 9 8 6 4
♥ A 10 7
♦ 7 2
♣ K Q 8
We have one spade loser , two heart losers , one diamond loser , and two club losers . That ’ s one too many . To avoid a loser , we could plan on trying the diamond finesse , hoping West holds the ♦K . We could also try the repeated club finesse , hoping East holds the ♣A . However , the sure way to eliminate a loser is to ruff a heart in dummy after giving up a heart trick to the opponents .
Once we decide on this plan , we must consider how to handle both the spade suit and the heart suit . The general guideline in suit contracts is to start by drawing the defenders ’

Consider the Order when Ruffing Losers

2 Audrey Grant ’ s Better Bridge | November-December 2021
trumps to avoid having our winners ruffed . However , if we win the ♥A and lead a trump , we can be defeated . East can win the ♠A and return a second round of trumps . When we give up a heart trick , West can win and lead a third round of trumps , removing dummy ’ s last trump . So we can ’ t afford to lead even one round of trumps .
What about the heart suit ? Suppose we win the first trick with the ♥A and immediately give up a heart . Seeing what we are about to do , the defenders can take the ♠A and lead another spade . Now we are stuck in dummy . When we try to get to our hand by leading a club , West wins the ♣A and leads a third round of trumps . Once again , no heart ruff for us .
How can we overcome these challenges ? Let the opponents win the first heart trick ! Now there ’ s nothing the defenders can do . Suppose they shift to a spade and East takes the ♠A and plays a second spade . We win in dummy , but we now have the carefully-preserved link card remaining in hearts to cross to the ♥A and ruff the heart loser with dummy ’ s last trump . We still lose one diamond and two clubs , but we make the contract .
On the next deal , we again land in 2♠ .
All Pass
West leads the ♦Q . What ’ s our plan ?
♠ K 10 4
♥ K 5 2♠
♦ A K 7 2
♣ J 9 6 4
♠ 8 3 n ♠ 7 5 2 ♥ Q 8 4 2 w e ♥ A J 10 6 ♦ Q J 10 8 s ♦ 4 3
♣ K Q 5
♣ A 10 3 2
♠ A Q J 9 6
♥ 9 7 3
♦ 9 6 5
♣ 8 7
We have three potential heart losers , one diamond loser , and two club losers . One too many . In hearts , we appear to have two chances to avoid a loser . We can lead a heart toward dummy ’ s ♥K , hoping West holds the ♥A . If that doesn ’ t work , we can give up a second heart trick and ruff the third round in dummy . That ’ s a reasonable plan , but let ’ s consider what can go wrong .
After winning the first diamond trick in dummy , the only way to reach our hand to try the heart finesse is with a spade . That seems okay , since there will still be two spades left in dummy . However , when we lead a heart to dummy ’ s ♥K , East wins the ♥A and leads a second round of spades . When we then give up a heart , East wins and leads a third round of spades . There goes our potential heart ruff .
How can we make sure of getting our heart ruff ? We can afford to lose two hearts so long as we can ruff our heart loser while there is still a trump left in dummy . We shouldn ' t worry about taking the heart finesse to dummy ' s ♥K .
Instead , after winning the first trick , play a heart from dummy immediately . We could try a low heart , hoping East would make a defensive mistake and put up the ♥A . Suppose East plays a low heart , the opponents win the trick and can lead a spade , but we are now ahead in the game . We lead the ♥K . East wins the ♥A and leads a second spade , but we win in our hand and can now lead the last heart and ruff