November/December 2018 | Page 15

As you read this, the 2017-18 legislative session has ended. In Pennsylvania the two-year legislative sessions begin in odd numbered years and end in even numbered years. We will be building on what we accomplished in 2017-18 and moving your agenda to new heights in the 2019-20 session. In order to do that, we need the funds to be competitive against the insurance lobby. In order to win we need the tools to do so. Monetary contributions are one of the most important tools. Your PADPAC contributions add more tools to the tool box so we have the money to contribute to legislators who support us and educate those who don’t support us yet. Please give generously. We fight against groups who want to reshape the legislative and regulatory landscape to harm you and your practice. They want to create legislation that has pitfalls for you, your patients and your practice. Contributing to PADPAC is the single best and most efficacious way to not just stop your adversaries but win the fight. By winning legislative battles in Harrisburg we make your life and practice at home easier. Your contribution can make us even more effective. If you have contributed, thank you! We couldn’t do it without you. Our success is due to your efforts. Please contact your colleagues and encourage them to contribute. Show them how your opponents will continue to participate in the political process. We have to do the same. If you haven’t contributed yet, please do so. We need your help. Your adversaries are constantly working to (mis)shape the legislative and political agenda of our state. We have to compete and win against a ruthless opponent. We expended much of our hard dollar funds to move SB 373 through the General Assembly. Please help us to set a new foundation for the next phase of our campaign to build a Pennsylvania that supports dentists and patients rather than insurance companies and bureaucrats. In order to build camaraderie, goodwill and a strong PAC, our 2019 PAC promotion will be a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game. Everyone who contributes at the $500 level and above will receive an invite to a Pirates game in one of the stadium suites. We will attend a Philadelphia Phillies game in 2020. N OVEM BER/DECEM BER 2018 | P EN N SYLVAN IA DEN TAL JOURNAL 13