November/December 2018 | Page 11

G ove r n men t Re lat ions program statewide. These coordinators recruit volunteer dentists and laboratories, screen patients for eligibility, and facilitate getting patients to providers for treatment. Other highlights for the 2018-2019 budget include: - Additional funding for education and school safety, including Pre-K Counts, Head Start and career and technical education programs - Additional funding for human services, including additional services for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities - Programs that fall under the Department of Agriculture will receive $10 million more than what was in the Governor’s original proposal, including $5 million in support of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry - The Department of Community and Economic Development will receive an additional $11 million for job creation and community improvement programs N OVEM BER/DECEM BER 2018 | P EN N SYLVAN IA DEN TAL JOURNAL 9