November 4th, 2022 | Laguna Beach News LBindy_11.4.22 for digital | Page 24

24 lagunabeachindy . com NOVEMBER 4 , 2022
By Marc Wiener , Community Development Director

Letter to the Community

This December marks my third anniversary with the City of Laguna Beach as your Community Development Director , and what an amazing journey it has been so far . We can all agree that Laguna Beach is a special place that must be cared for , and there is a strong sense of civic pride here . My primary role as Community Development Director is to help develop and implement Council policies that will protect and


Unfortunately , money can corrupt .
And when we see an outrageous amount of developers ’ money being injected into Laguna ’ s politics , it ' s time to pay attention .
One of several pro-development PACs has raised over $ 200,000 to defeat residentfavoring measures and City Council candidates who are opposed to overdevelopment .
Their goal ? To get candidates elected who will fast-track development projects with little to no restraint and without regard for residents ’ quality of life or retaining Laguna ’ s historic charm . Yes , more cars , bars , DUIs , and parking structures residents will pay for .
Your vote can change this . Please vote wisely .
jeromepudwill4citycouncil . org
enhance the unique character of our City while also working to ensure a high quality of life for residents . I have enjoyed getting to know this community and continue to make friends along the way .
When I first arrived , there was a long list of projects and policies that needed attention . Three years later , I am happy to report that many of these have been completed or are well underway . Some of the
Paid for by Jerome Pudwill For City Council 2022 – Candidate No . 1453600 highlights include adopting the Short-Term Lodging Ordinance , Downtown Specific Plan , and Historic Preservation Program , as well as updates to the Safety and Housing Elements of the City ’ s General Plan . Additionally , we have been successful in fostering a better relationship with the California Coastal Commission and , as a result , have made progress on several long-standing projects and issues .
Moving forward , we will be focusing on a comprehensive update to the Zoning Code . Our goal is to simplify the development regulations , making them both easier to implement and understand while ensuring that neighborhood character is maintained .
Behind the scenes , we have made positive operational changes to the department and are building a culture of teamwork and innovation to better serve you . This year the City Council approved several new positions in Community Development that , once hired , will help expedite project review times and improve customer service for folks at the counter . We also acquired a new permitting system , currently under development , that will allow customers to submit digital plans and applications online and receive real-time status updates . We recently implemented a new queuing system that allows the public to remotely get in line for counter service and receive text notifications when it is their turn . We also offer a development management team meeting allowing applicants to concurrently meet with multiple departments before submitting their applications . Finally , the Streamlining Ordinance will be going into effect by the end of this year , allowing for the approval of minor projects at the counter and , in some cases , help customers avoid the lengthy delay of a public hearing .
Improving customer service and operations is a continuous effort , and I am proud of the progress we have made so far and believe we are on the right track . I applaud our staff , who have been enthusiastic participants in these efforts , all while managing a heavy volume of projects and day-to-day issues . Our vision is to create a model modernized department in terms of customer service , efficiency , and use of technology . We met with a group of local architects on Nov . 2 to receive feedback on how to improve the process and formed a working group to continue the dialogue . Thankfully , we have a supportive City Council and City Manager to help make this vision a reality .
I am honored to serve you as Community Development Director of this amazing City and remain excited about our future . In Community Spirit , Marc Wiener , Community
Development Director