November 4th, 2022 | Laguna Beach News LBindy_11.4.22 for digital | Page 20

Emergencies • Oral Sedation
20 lagunabeachindy . com NOVEMBER 4 , 2022


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Emergencies • Oral Sedation
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760.203.6525 CorrectChoiceDental . com host , and civically-minded business owner ), and two 1 / 2 pages worth of advertisements urging Laguna residents not to vote for Blake , and citing examples of his uncivil behavior . One of the full-page ads was taken out by well-respected architect Morris Skanderian , who discussed how Blake ’ s incivility has discouraged public participation at Council meetings . On 10 / 23 / 22 , the LA Times California section contained a 1 / 2 page article about the lack of civility at our city council meetings and Blake ’ s impact . On the other hand , there was a 1 / 4 page ad from a political party supporting Blake for his support of property owner rights and “ transparency ”, and Blake took out his own full page ad .

Transparency within our City Council does not increase with Blake ’ s bullying tactics and lack of civility , it decreases . If citizens are not treated with civility they are discouraged from participating at Council meetings , and decision making becomes less transparent . Yes , issues matter , including property rights , traffic and parking , clear development rules , open space , etc ., but without civility and good deliberation the best decisions will not be achieved by our City Council .
The question of civility which is facing our City Council mirrors the same question facing our Nation . Laguna residents have historically been well-informed , thoughtful and compassionate , and in the past our City has provided leadership on issues that matter . What message does it send to our children , the county , the nation if we reward someone like Blake who uses bullying tactics and incivility ? I urge Laguna residents to reject the politics of divisiveness and incivility and reject Peter Blake for City Council . Steve Cohn , Laguna Beach
For years Judie Mancuso has been a shining star in her tenacious work to help improve our environment , and on the forefront as an animal rights activist . Her record of passing legislation speaks for itself . Although perhaps some residents aren ’ t listening or really don ’ t care . And their lack of insight and compassion are problematic for us all , and those creatures who have no voice and suffer in silence .
Judie ’ s accomplishments are stellar . Here are the facts :
1 . Do you like dining on the patio with your animal companion ? Thank Judie for that .
2 . Do you believe that animal control should be able to rescue animals trapped in sweltering cars ? Thank Judie for getting that legislation passed .
3 . Because of Judie , California was the first state to ban commercial and recreational fur trapping . Thanks to Judie .
4 . California has banned the cruel use of parading and exploiting wild animals as circus props . Thanks to Judie .
5 . It is mandated that plantbased meal options are available in California hospitals . Thank you , Judie .
6 . Cosmetics sold in California cannot be tested on animals . Thanks to Judie .
7 . The onerous puppy mills can no longer sell their victims . Dogs , cats and rabbits to pet shops in California . Thank you , Judie .
I am grateful and excited to support Judie Mancuso , and when she is elected , I look forward to all her future accomplishments . What a treasure Judie is to us . Jahn Levitt , Laguna Beach
For anyone still on the fence about how to vote on Measure Q , an article in Oct . 28 Daily Pilot about Costa Mesa ’ s effort to rescind a similar Measure is quite instructive . Measure K will reverse the deleterious effects of Measure Y , passed in 2016 , which requires a public vote for any development that alters the General Plan or Zoning laws . Now city officials are claiming they are stymied from building state-mandated housing , because developers don ’ t want to go through the arduous , time consuming and expensive process of voter approval . City officials complain that with Measure Y there is just no path to intelligent progress .
A Measure like Y , which requires voter approval only for projects that are so macro they would change the General Plan or Zoning laws , might actually have been palatable to most Laguna residents to stymie the threat of actual “ mega ” developments . And the Measure Q folks were asked by some very reasonable minds to simplify theirs to something similar . But they refused , and instead have submitted a complex , Draconian , overly burdensome Measure with so many unexpected triggers that small mom and pop businesses will be repelled from opening here , and new ideas for our town would come grinding to a halt . And it effectively would create a quagmire whenever our town needed to pivot in the future to unexpected mandates and improvements to our transportation grid .
Let City officials do their job . We don ’ t have the time or expertise to weigh in on every new project . With the Forest Promenade imperiled by this Measure , along with many restaurants with outdoor dining , Measure Q would be a crushing blow to the progress we are making to modernize our village and make it more attuned to the 21st century . No on Q .
And for those still on the fence
LETTERS , page 26