November 2022 Volume 47 Issue 2 November 2022 | Page 4

Hank Greenwood Heather DeVito Tyler Bullock Patty Bullock
Senior Editor Editor Ad Design / Layout
Operations Supervisor
Amy Greenwood-Dudar Projects Director Kate Greenwood
Advisory Board
ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette - P . O . Box 1771 , Salt Lake City , Utah 84110 - ( 801 ) 936-7513 - fax ( 801 ) 936-4229 - E-mail : customerservice @ adba . cc . Be sure to visit our website for information , applications & more ! WWW . ADBADOG . COM The ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette will not knowingly publish any material conflicting with the Animal Welfare Act of 1976 and all written material submitted to the Gazette for publication must contain the legal name of the author and current address or it will not be printed . Nicknames or initials may be used upon request but full legal name must accompany all written material submitted for printing . It is not the intent or purpose of ADBA APBT Gazette or its advertisers to condone or promote any illegal activity , including dog fighting . The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the American Dog Breeders Association , Inc . or the Editor . The American Dog Breeders Association , Inc . does not in any way guarantee any products advertised in the Gazette . We will not knowingly advertise any product , by anyone , that will not live up to their claims . The ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette is published by THE AMERICAN DOG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION INC . Issued every three months . ( Fall issue Aug . 15th ; Winter issue , Nov . 15th ; Spring issue , Feb . 15th ; and Summer issue , May 15th .)
( Postage Included ) USA .............................................. $ 35.00 Canada mailing ................ $ 45 ( US funds ) All Overseas mailing ..........$ 75 ( US funds )
AD RATES PER ISSUE ( Please note that all ads will be run in color ) Back Cover .............................................. $ 550.00 Inside Back Cover .................................... $ 450.00 Inside Front Cover .................................... $ 450.00 Full page .................................................. $ 350.00 Half page ................................................. $ 200.00 1 / 3 pg ..................................................... $ 150.00 1 / 6 pg ..................................................... $ 100.00 Photos ...................... $ 20 / ea ( 1 time processing fee ) Classified .................... 0.40 per word - $ 15 minimum ( No photos accepted in classified ads )
To advertise please contact : Tyler Bullock TYLER @ ADBADOG . COM
All dogs advertised in the Gazette MUST be registered with the ADBA . ( ADBA registered numbers must be included with ad . info .) ALL ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE Ist ( FIRST ) DAY PRECEDING THE MONTH OF ISSUE . ( Feb . Issue deadline : Jan . 1st - May issue - April 1st , etc .) Any Kennel Names used in ads must be registered with the ADBA and belong to the registered owner as listed with the registration office . All photos sent into the Gazette are considered the property of the Gazette . No guarantee as to placement in desired issue , as all advertisement space is based on a first come basis , provided all requirements are met .
** American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette reserves the right to edit any material and / or refuse publication of any material we feel may not be in the best interest of the breed or this magazine . ** American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette Copyright ® 1981 Nothing that appears in this magazine may be reprinted either wholly or in part without written permission of the publisher and the American Dog Breeders Association , Inc .

Front Cover : Bellamy ’ s G / C II JR Champion of Champions - 2022 ADBA Nationals Owned by : Michael Bellamy Photo credit : Roel Guerra

This year , I ’ ve been fortunate to travel to a handful of shows to either judge or assist in judging Top Dog Athletic Events . I was also honored to be the overall Top Dog Athletic Event judge this year for the 2022 ADBA Nationals , assisted by Tyler Bullock and Adam Bullock . It was the first time we ’ ve hosted the Nationals in Utah since the 2009 ADBA 100 Year Birthday Bash . That feels like it was yesterday ...
One of my favorite things about this job is being able to meet everyone , face to face , whether it ’ s in our back yard - here in Utah - or when I am out and about , traveling . I feel it helps me do a better job for YOU - our customer , and to me , that is something I pride myself on . Plus , I ’ ve enjoyed having my youngest daughter , Alyx , along for the ride . She is a great assistant , and co-pilot !
For 2023 , I am hoping to finally travel to Canada to judge an event for them . “ Oh Canada ...” That one is for you , Meghan , eh ! :) I ’ m also manifesting being able to travel to Europe next year so I will be able to witness their sanctioned events firsthand . Not only can I help mentor but I will also be able to learn from them . Send those positive vibes out and let ’ s make it happen !
I ’ m sharing a photo I took while I was in Colorado earlier this year . I stopped by the Bulldogs of the Rockies event and met Sikkim and his little buddy , Ace !
See , THIS is what it ’ s all about . No matter who we are or where we ’ re from , the one thing that connects all of us is our love for the APBT breed and that , my friends , is a beautiful thing . Enjoy the magazine !
Heather DeVito
P . S . The highlight of my year was having everyone sing Happy Birthday to me under the stars in Oregon at the Beaver State APBTC event . Thank you , bulldog family !


Prepotent Brood Stock - Revisited .................................................................................................... pg . 05 Cross-Training ................................................................................................................................... pg . 11 Perception is Everything ................................................................................................................... pg . 16 Romance of the Strains ..................................................................................................................... pg . 19 Lines of Mexico City - Part II ............................................................................................................. pg . 22 The Things That Dogs Teach Us ....................................................................................................... pg . 24 In Memory ......................................................................................................................................... pg . 26 2022 ADBA Nationals ........................................................................................................................ pg . 29 Show News ....................................................................................................................................... pg . 41 Show Calendar ................................................................................................................................. pg . 44 Point Standings ................................................................................................................................. pg . 46 Tales from the Old Continent ................................................................................................................ pg . 53 How to Select a Good Dog Owner ....................................................................................................... pg . 56
Brown ’ s Panther ................................................................................................................................... pg . 57 Ch / Ace / TD Spotlight ............................................................................................................................. pg . 58 Rankings ............................................................................................................................................... pg . 60 Athos from Bucha - Champion of Hope ................................................................................................ pg . 65