November 2022 Spotlight | Page 11

From the Committees www . wsca . org 2022 - November - 11

2023 Application for Membership Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Welcome to WSCA ! We hope you have a fun year !

OFFICE USE ONLY Date Rec ’ d ______________________ Ck . No . _________ Amount ________ MBL Rec ’ d ______________________
NAME N OF CLUB : ___________________________________________________ _ q
By checking this box , you give us permission to give out the phone number and email address of your club secretary to those that inquire about your club .
• The Application for WSCA Saddle Club Membership form and dues must be sent to the WSCA Secretary postmarked no later than January 15 , 2023 .
- Annual renewal dues are $ 70 for saddle clubs rejoining WSCA
- Dues are $ 75 for new WSCA clubs ($ 5 is a one-time assessment fee )
• Application forms posted after January 15 , 2023 will be assessed the following late fees :
Jan . 16 - Jan . 31
$ 10 in addition to annual dues
$ 10 + $ 70 = $ 80 or $ 85 new club
Feb . 1 - Feb . 28
$ 20 in addition to annual dues
$ 20 + $ 70 = $ 90 or $ 95 new club
March 1 - March 31
$ 30 in addition to annual dues
$ 30 + $ 70 = $ 100 or $ 105 new club
April 1 - April 30
$ 40 in addition to annual dues
$ 40 + $ 70 = $ 110 or $ 115 new club
May 1 - May 15
$ 50 in addition to annual dues
$ 50 + $ 70 = $ 120 or $ 125 new club
• Send the application form and dues by mail to Leslie Mason , 15128 240th St . Scandia , MN 55073 .
• Remember , Saddle Club Membership Lists must be submitted online no later than May 31 , 2023 .
To see all WSCA Forms
• Saddle Club Membership Lists are due NOT LATER THAN May 31 , 2023 . It is MANDATORY that the WSCA club Membership Lists be submitted online . No email or paper membership lists will be accepted . Contact the WSCA Secretary with questions .**
After January 15 , 2023 , all WSCA member clubs who have submitted this form will have access and editing ability to their ONLINE MEM- BERSHIP LIST . NOTE : All WSCA Clubs Should Update Their 2023 Officer And Delegate Addresses , Phone Numbers And Email Addresses At The Time Of Their Online Club Membership Renewal .
PRESIDENT Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
VICE-PRESIDENT Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
CLUB DELEGATE # 1 Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
ALTERNATE DELEGATE # 1 Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
Your Club ’ s Meeting date : ______________________________ Location of meeting : ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________
SECRETARY Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
TREASURER Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
CLUB DELEGATE # 2 Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
ALTERNATE DELEGATE # 2 Name : ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City / State / Zip : ________________________________________ Telephone : (___) _____________________________________ Email : ______________________________________________
Send the completed application form and dues by mail to : Leslie Mason , 15128 240th St ., Scandia , MN 55073
WSCA Application For Membership CHECKLIST : q q
q q q
Fully completed 2023 Application For Membership including name of club , officers , and delegate information .
If you want your information given out to potential club members , you have checked the box under Name of Club that says “ By checking this box , you give us permission to give out the phone number and email address of your club secretary to those that inquire about your club .”
2023 dues according to fee schedule . I understand that our club must submit and renew our 2023 club members on the ONLINE MEMBERSHIP LIST of the WSCA website by May 31 , 2023 . I understand that our club must update the club officers and delegates information on the ONLINE MEMBERSHIP LIST of the WSCA website .